Like the normal necromancer is … normal, but with the adapt upgrade, he gets a slightly upgrade to his armor and a bigger staff, and with the master upgrade, he becoms a fcking spectral form, you know, like quest necromancer in some campaign mission. When casters get optical changes with there ugprades !

You know what would be INSANE for reforged ?! (2)Terenas Stand LV - Each Dark Wizard replaced with a Renegade Wizard and a Rogue.Objects\InventoryItems\PotofGold\GOLDCoin.blp no longer missing.Units\Creeps\Medivh\GenericGlow2_mip1.blp no longer missing.Video options are saved when switching between windowed and fullscreen mode with Alt+Enter.Using Staff of Teleport on a possessed worker followed by casting Scroll of Teleport no longer causes a desync.Elf units set to patrol or follow during the night cycle no longer remain in Shadowmeld.Browsing the game creation list no longer causes a crash.

Custom maps appear on the game creation list.The game successfully regains focus to fullscreen after minimizing during download or lobby transitions.We’ll keep an eye on live health, but hope we’ve addressed the major issues introduced with 1.31 so the team can pour full effort into Reforged. Thanks for the help on PTR over the weekend. Hail Warchiefs, Lichs, Commanders, and Keepers,